G CF<return>Result:
Cricket configuration: Software version: 2.0 // Cricket software version Mode: Listener // Running mode (Listener/Beacon) Unique id: 1:c8:6a:b3:a:0:0:dc // Unique Cricket ID Space id: MIT-6 // User-defined space ID Uptime: 16:32:14 // Uptime of Cricket from last power cycle (hh:mm:ss) Ultrasound attenuation time(us): 45000 // Time Cricket should wait for the ultrasound to attenuate Timer Offset(us): 550 // Offset to compensate for software processing time Minimum beacon interval(ms): 668 // Minimum wait time between beacon messages Maximum beacon interval(ms): 1332 // Maximum wait time between beacon messages Average beacon interval(ms): 1000 // Average interval between beacon messages Compensation value(us): 48 // Time in us that one bit takes to travel over the Cricket radio Distance Units: Metric // Units used to display the distance measurement (DB) Local temperature value (Celsius): disabled // Temperature from the onboard sensor Speed of sound value(m/s): not used // Speed of sound calculated based on the temperature Test switch status: On // Position of the test switch on the Cricket Event output format: 3 // Event reporting format Output variable(s): VR ID DB DR SP TM TS // Variables output (configurable using the CO command) Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://nms.csail.mit.edu/cricket